Coach Education

Quality Coaching Toolkit

The Quality Coaching Toolkit: Coaching for Performance in Life and in Sport was developed for the Coaching Association of Canada based on the research findings found in the Embracing Excellence report.

The toolkit is available for download on the Coaching Association of Canada’s website.

Positive Coaching Education

Offerings include

  • Tier 1: Single Session

    2-hour webinar for coaches, athletes, parents, and/or sport administrators on positive & problematic coaching styles

  • Tier 2: Webinar Workshop Four 1-hour sessions covering the following

  • Tier 3: 2 Day Workshop

    In Person for coaches & sport organizations

  • Tailored courses available upon request

Custom Sessions

In-person speaking engagements and/or webinars on topics such as:

  • Safe Sport 101

  • Understanding emotional abuse in sport

  • Understanding body shaming in sport

  • Positive Coaching Styles